“一带一路”智库学者:贵州大数据发展为世界提供了重要参考 -九游官网

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  • 作者:王旗
  • 发布时间:2024-11-23 13:11:47



recently, belt and road think tank scholars delegation and the joint delegation of international media and think tank representatives, visited the national big data (guizhou) comprehensive pilot zone exhibition center located in the guiyang high-tech development zone to learn about the progress of guizhou's big data development.  


the national big data (guizhou) comprehensive pilot zone aims to become a significant platform for big data display, exchange, and sharing, both nationally and globally. the exhibition center leverages two key platforms: the national big data (guizhou) comprehensive pilot zone and the china international big data industry expo. it facilitates innovation in the big data industry and contributes "guizhou wisdom" and "guizhou solutions" to the implementation of the national big data strategy. by showcasing the cutting-edge trends and core values of big data development in china and around the world, it promotes higher-level, broader-scale, and wider-ranging exchanges and cooperation.  



after the visit, the delegation remarked that guizhou has successfully created an innovative model for the digital age through the robust development of its big data industry. supported by big data centers and advanced technological applications, guizhou has achieved comprehensive upgrades in agriculture, education, and high-tech fields. the province has also attracted leading domestic enterprises such as huawei and tencent, gathering top talent and resources. guizhou’s achievements have not only improved the quality of life for its people but also provided a valuable reference for global digital development, showcasing the vast potential of digital technology in driving high-quality growth.  

贵州日报天眼新闻记者  王旗

编辑 高鑫

二审 庞博 赖盈盈

三审 许邵庭

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